Tuesday, May 8, 2007


So, today was the first time that I went out with staff and golfed. I actually didn't mind it for the first time, I guess I had a stigma against the game because of thihngs over the past few years. It was actually very nice today though, I was told that I was a natural, and I can shoot very straight and the ball goes where I want it to go. The comment was that I should practice if I like the game because it seems to come naturally to me. I guess I refused to try before because of some things, but it was nice to hear. It is not something that after I have played for the first time and I just want to spend all of my time doing, because as soon as we were done I just wanted to spend time with my son. I got my dad to drive my son out to the Berry Barn and we ran around there. It was when I was with my son again and we were running around that I felt sooooo very good about the day, not that the time with my co-workers wasn't good, but golf was fun for the time while I spent it with them relaxing, but definitely not a passion.

It makes me care about my friend more and more, because we are both just like that...we care about people, and that is first and foremost...
Not that golfers, and other avid sports enthusiasts care less, but I do notice that I don't really tie into anything and allow it to capture me solely...I don't see that as a bad thing either. Although, I should digress, because my son has captured me soley, hmmmm, probably just a perspective thing, now that I really think about it...I just like my friend's perspective a whole lot too...

Life eh!

1 comment:

SocietyVs said...

I have never played golf on the big courses - mainly on par 3's - and I always have a fun time doing it. I think some leisure is a good exercise for the mind - it's rest.

Glad to hear you are out there and having a great time - you are a great person and need to devote some of that time to yourself. I think you do a lot for your son and he will be very thankful - but sometimes it is good to get out there and have some fun and laughter? Good to hear you enjoyed the whole thing.