Monday, August 20, 2007

Relief in Spades

So, I wrote my last final for my degree, and I just found out "I pass" official grade will come later, but for now the relief I feel can be tied up in one phrase "relief in spades."

I feel so set free emotionally, and so set free physically, and so set free with regards to my time and life in general. I had such plans and have such plans for the time I can now invest with everything even more for my son, and the time I can now invest in me...I can finally work on me, and healing me, and my world as it were.

This summer and all of its challenges and all of its frustration has come to a close and this part of my life is at its sunset, and I am not sad, but I am ecstatic to be able to move on and have this done. I have projects that have been put on hold and things to do for my son that I can now pour my energy into, and not to forget I can spend some time just investing in healing my own physical body more, and restoring my soul.

Sounds like a mouthful, or future full, but at this point, I see a new morning, a new horizon, and a new and better day, and right now that I have had at least 4 nights of good rest between me and the end of this long hard road I have taken a good breath, and feel like I can take the moment it actually takes to take that breath in slowly and really enjoy taking a good breath of air in and enjoy how my lungs feel...what a difference!

I can't captivate how I feel in words, but it is so good...and maybe that is how I should just state it is just so good.

1 comment:

SocietyVs said...

"I can't captivate how I feel in words, but it is so good...and maybe that is how I should just state it is just so good."

Congrats on the degree - I know mind-numbing getting one can be - especially at the tail end of it. But the reward is worth it.

I know this feeling very well - this time to relax and finally life is set in order again - I too went to school and even with vacations at work - I get that sense of relief. Enjoy it!