Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Digital Camera

So, I have been waiting to buy a digital camera...because the quality of the pictures could not compare to the one that I have right now.

I broke down and bought my first one day, it is just a starter camera, and really it will help save a bit of money because David loves to take pictures, but sometimes I don't want a picture of his favorite cartoon that is playing on

So, ya know...just so I can keep encouraging his little creativity and save a bit on these pictures...I broke down and got my first one...yeah...anyway...not that exciting...but fun for me and my lil man...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My wife loves to take pics - me - I am not that big on the idea of memories (maybe I should be) but more about living. Good to see the kid likes to take pics - it is a fun and creative way to devlop one's art of seeing the world. Have fun with the camera!