Wednesday, July 25, 2007

God Tells Me Not To Eat

So, I think it is humanity even when we are young to try to alude to the fact that God would be the one to tell us we are to do something or direct us, when in reality it is just us trying to convince ourselves or others that it is divne that we should do something.

So, here is my son today and anounces to me when I said that he needs to eat supper, "God Tells Me Not To Eat." He laughed and ran away, and I had to laugh, and then scold him and let him know that he should not tell me that in that way. It was a joke, and I had the small thought about it, and shook my head.

Little boys and their rationality, they are a treasure.

1 comment:

SocietyVs said...

That heretic - Lol. I think being that young is quite the age - you learn so much and have to package it some way - he is probably just finding ways to package it all and sometimes humor gets in the way - which still happens for me.