Wednesday, April 18, 2007

After The Rain

There is a song that goes talks about "After The Rain," that things will begin to begin again, heal, and be restored. It is the basis of the words, and today listening to the rain as it came down this morning felt so good, and walking outside and looking up at the sky was just like getting a hug from Heaven.

I have a wonderful friend in my life, and right now he is my best friend, and the more we talk and the more we support each other it is becoming so wonderful to know that there is someone that cares about me for who I am on the inside, and is supportive of how I honor God and lives life with the same commitment to God that I do.

It is like filling my lungs with clean air, and having the peace and strength to breath once again. It has been a stressful week and my friend is truly my best friend. Today, is a day I wish I could be off just to take some time...but perhaps I will sneak outside later on and enjoy the moment a bit more.

1 comment:

SocietyVs said...

I love a good rain - and we get very little down here in Regina - but that smell afterwards is so sweet.

It is good to hear that your life has found a place to relate concerns and thoughts - and get some feedback from someone similar to you (in faith and friendship). I think if we don't get that in life we start becoming introverted - and missing out on social times with people.